This may have been the perfect race!
The women’s race didn’t start until 10 a.m. I love that I didn’t have to set an alarm clock to get up for the this race. I woke up around 6:30 to eat breakfast which consisted of coffee and peanut butter toast. While I waited around for the Husband, I decided to snap a pre-race excitement photo.
My game plan for today was to pick up my packet at 9:00, check out the port-a-johns, jog for 20 minutes, and be in my corral by 9:45. Since the NYRR started using a corral system, it is a requirement that you be in your corral no later than 10 minutes before the race starts. If you don’t make it to your corral in time, you are sent to the last corral. I was concerned that my warm-up plan would be negatively effected by having to stand in place for 15 minutes, luckily it didn’t seem to matter today.
Five reasons I loved this race.
#1. A plethora of port-a-johns.
2. Kara Goucher (need I say more?). She was out for a run in Central Park when Mary Wittenberg called her over to the stage to wish us good luck.
3. Bob Harper (another one of my fitness hero’s) was there to lead a pre-run stretch. I didn’t actually see him but the Husband snapped this photo of him with some random strangers.
4. Swag Bag
5. I met my goal of getting to keep my sacred spot in the corral system by beating my last 4 mile race time by 1:24!!. 🙂
You really can’t get much better than this… a PR, Kara and Bob! What a Day!
Good Luck if you are racing this weekend!
Michelle says
Wow, this looks like it was such a fun race!! Congrats on the PR!
Gina says
What a fun bag of goodies!! This race looks amazing, I can’t get over all the port-o-johns. My goodness, that were prepared. Glad it was a good time, and congrats on meeting your goal!
Robin says
This is so awesome, thanks for sharing!
Erin says
Holy Kara and Bob!!! That is so awesome! AND a PR! Way to go Jess!
Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says
Congrats on the PR!!!!! Woo-hoo! And the swag bag looked semi decent, always a nice bonus.
Morgan (lifeafterbagels) says
Wow – it looks like a tonne of people, but what else do I expect for NYC. How many people raced today . . . and congratulations!
FCITC says
The swag bag, while not the most fantastic thing ever, is something that we don’t normally get at a NYRR race. The races are fairly inexpensive to enter and participant usually only get a cheap t-shirt and an occasional dri-fit t.
In total there were more than 4,500 runners. The races were separated into two yesterday. There were over 2,000 women runners. NYRR caps their races at 5,000 and normally they all fill up due to people trying to complete their 9 races to get into the Marathon.
Liz @ intheskinny says
That looks like an awesome SWAG bag! I love the Fitness magazine.
maria says
Wow. A PR and Bob Harper all in the same day? Awesome, I say! Are you a Biggest Loser fan, then? New season starts Tuesday!!!
FCITC says
I know and I can’t wait! I’m actually a bigger fan of Jillian and Bob than the actual show. I’m gonna write about that in a post sooner or later.
Rosey Rebecca says
Congrats on the race! Love the swag bag!
Alison says
ACK I meant to comment on this post on Sunday!
What an awesome race – those really are 5 awesome reasons for a great race, I can’t pick one to by my fav! That’s a lot of time to shave off for 4 miles – congrats on the PR!