Miss Zippy recently wrote “Tell me about your 2012” in running. I love the questions she posted on her site and thought it was a great way to look back on the past 12 months of running.
Best Race Experience: Reach the Beach Relay
Best Run: My first 20-miler in eight years with Gia and Lora. Before this run I wasn’t sure I could even complete marathon training. Completing this run with these fine ladies, renewed my faith in my abilities and caused me to fall in love with long runs.
Best new piece of gear: Brooks Running Glycerin 10
Best piece of running advice you received: Mike (also known as the Physical Therapist who saved my year of running) told me I should adjust my marathon training goals to fit my abilities and not sell myself short. He also told me that if a marathon is cancelled your best bet of redeeming your fitness is to run a race a few months out. To take the time to do a reverse taper, taper again, then race.
Most inspirational runner: How can I choose one? I’m going to go with my partners in crime: Lora, Gia, Meggie, Ashley, and Jocelyn.
If you could sum up your year in a couple of words, what would they be? Unpredictable
So tell me, how would you describe your year in running using one word?
My year in running had it’s ups and down!! I had some injuries but it’s on the ups!
I always love reading your blog Jess. I wish I lived in NYC so I could run with you girls. Looks like SO much fun. xox Bri
My best run of the year was when I ran 10 miles straight without stopping for the first time! As a bonus, there was a cupcake food truck parked by my car at the end too 😉
Joyful, less rigid, more spontaneous
Cool post! Neat idea…
My body just wasn’t built for serious running. I did finally run a 5k this year after talking about it forever! Can’t wait to do more!
Thank you for this! I just answered them on my blog too! So glad I am finding more running blogs to follow!
Very cool recap – the relay race still looks epic.
Wishing you a happy belated birthday and happy early New Year!!
Hi! I have been reading your blog, and I recently decided to start my own. I loved completing this survey, and I think it will be really fun to look back on. Happy new year!
Very cool!