It’s time to Take it To the Next Level by saying goodbye to girlie push-ups forever!
How to progress from a modified push-up to a full push-up
#1. Believe in your own strength: You are stronger than you think. You DO have the strength to perform a full push-up, whether you think you do or not. It just takes practice.
#2. Take the training wheels off: For push-ups this translates as take your knees off the ground. If you never take the training wheels off you’ll never learn how to ride a bike, right?
#3. Modify without putting your knees on the ground:
- Push-up Modification Level 1: Hands on the wall
- Push-up Modification Level 2: Hands on high rail or bench
- Push-up Modification Level 3: Hands on low bench
#4. Practice 1/2 of the push-up: Practice lowering yourself to the floor with control (from a full push-up position). Once you reach the floor, push pack into child’s pose. From child’s pose come back to a push-up position to start over. Repeat 10 times.
Bonus: Try this Move to Improve your Push-ups to increase core strength.
Tracey @ I'm Not Superhuman says
I’m still stuck at level two. And when I say stuck I mean literally can’t push up from the bench. I think I need to recommit to my push up goals.
Robyn @ Wannabe Writer Runner says
Thanks for this!! I am sooo weak I feel like when it comes to push-ups. I want to be able to do them. I’m going to try your methods with the wall.
Jess says
You can do it!! Seriously, anyone can learn to do a full push-up. Let me know how it works out for you. Feel free to email me if you need further help.
Andrea@WellnessNotes says
Thanks! I think I needed a little “push” to do “real” push-ups… 🙂
Jody - Fit at 52 says
I love push-ups in every form!!!!! I even can now do about 4-5 clap push-ups (full position, not the knee)! I worked hard to get there & still doing all kinds of fun push-ups! Makes me feel strong! 🙂
Jess says
You are amazing!
Becky says
I love this! I have been trying to do push-ups because they work so many muscles. I dedicate such a limited amount of time to strength that I figure I’d better do something good…but push-ups are always a struggle! I am going to keep at it. Thanks for the tips!
BostonRunner says
I love push ups. This spring, I worked my way up to over 30 at one time, the most I’ve ever been able to do. But then my wrist started hurting (I thought I was doing them properly, too?), I got a little scared and stopped. I recently tried to go back to them but I lost all the strength I built up! : (
Kirsty_girl says
Great post!
I haven’t done a girly push-up in years and I’m glad you are advocating the full push-up. Once my baby is born I can’t wait to do push-ups again.
lindsay says
leaner and meaner, way to go!
sarah says
I’ve just started doing push ups again and I hate them!!!! They are my Achilles heel, and I am determined to get better, but wow. They are just lousy for my spaghetti arms.
maria @ Chasing the Now says
I love this. My push ups are embarrassingly awful and I’d love to improve them! I was doing some low-modified ones before vacation, but slacked off. I am going to get back to it!
Maria @ Oh Healthy Day says
Call me crazy, but I love push ups! I started out in same progression: wall, bench, low bench and now I’m up to 30 real, chest to the floor push ups. Great advice! And p.s. I squeeze in push ups every where, including when I’m swishing my mouthwash at night: I do 10 elevated ones on the counter and then I’m done. Adds up 🙂
Cara says
This is helpful…I’ll do my best and give it a go.
The Candid RD says
Oh goodness, this is quite the challenge! I’m going to try it out today. I’ve really been into pushups lately and I’m noticing how much more toned my arms are. I love that!
Nicole @ Making Good Choices says
I love doing all different types of pushups. These are great tips!
Joanna Sutter says
Great tips! I find that other lifting (and pushing) I do make push ups easier, too…like overhead presses, lat pull downs, yadda, yadda, yadda. But, actually mimicking the movement as you demonstrate here are the best tools in the trade!
p.s. I want to raid your closet!! I love your workout wear!
Alex @ IEatAsphalt says
These are great tips. I sort of fell off of the push-up wagon this summer, but started back up again yesterday. I was surprised at how quickly I lost my strength. I also like to do full push ups on free weights to help support my wrists.
Matt Joseph says
I’m a big fan of using the progression in this post. I hate push-ups on the knees unless that is the only option. I like starting on the wall and moving lower and lower and lower. At the gym, I like using the Smith Machine for this. I love to keep a long lever in the push-up to really hit that core.
Kristina @ Life as Kristina says
Love modified pushups-makes your clients feel so accomplished too:)
Dori says
I love this! I also think it is better to do a push-up on your toes and not get all the way down than to do one on your knees and get low. After enough of this, you WILL start to get lower.
Cameo says
Push-Ups are the most amazing of all exercises. Aren’t they? Thanks for sharing!