I’m super excited because on Saturday I’ll be lacing up my sneaks for a 4 mile race! When I noticed there were still spots available earlier today, I decided to sign-up. NYRR races are capped and usually fill up before race day.
I love love love four mile races in Central Park. It may be my favorite distance to race. Its much less painful than a 10k and yet longer than a 5k (my least favorite distance to race). I feel like I can push myself to my max, then just when I feel like I can’t push the pace any faster for any longer the race is over. LOVE IT!!!
The race is a part of The Fitness® Mind, Body, Spirit Games. This is always a fun event with lots of cool giveaways.
I just looked at my NYRR history and I haven’t completed a race since last November. All NYRR races use a seeded corral system to ease congestion at the start. Placement in corrals is based on your NYRR race history. My goal for this race is to not blow my current corral placement. It turns out, that I was in pretty good shape for that last 4-mile race and somehow I managed to pull off a 7:38 pace. Clearly there was a tail wind.
What’s your favorite distance to run/race?
COOL! Good luck! Tail wind hahaha! And I commented yesterday that my last pair of sneaks was the same as the ones pictured… and you are wearing my CURRENT pair of sneakers on your feet in that pic. We are apparently sneaker soul sista’s. Run on!
Love it, my sneaker sole sista! I actually just bought a new pair, but these purple ones were my favorite! I think I’ve had 7 pairs of the gel nimbus.
Good luck with your race! Sounds like your mentally prepped too!
Oops! **you’re
My fave distance when I was running 3-4x/month in races was a 10k. Long enough but not too long. 5k’s I never settle into a calm pace, it’s always just balls out. Half marathons…blech, too long. Marathons, way too much training involved. 10k’s you just wake up Sat morning and enjoy your nice run, and happen to get timed doing it, with like 4000 other people :)Good luck on your race!!!
Good Luck!! Hope it’s lots of fun!
That sounds amazing, good for you!
Cute shoes!!! I don’t really run races..but my favorite distance is probably 4 miles – enough to work up a sweat, but not enough to completly wear me out. GOOD LUCK!