I waited to write this race recap until the emotions of the day had settled.
My alarm went off at 5:15 a.m. The first thing I heard was the sound of torrential rain. I hit snooze.
At 5:45 I peeled myself out of bed in search of breakfast. I scarfed down a english muffin with almond butter and went back to sleep on the couch.
Upon waking I sought refuge in twitter. All I found on twitter was encouragement to get my ass out of my warm dry apartment and out into the cold rain of Central Park.
The starting line was a five minute jog from home. By the time I got there the rain drops had already soaked through my jacket. I immediately wanted to run directly home and into my warm bed.
I overheard someone say that we had ten minutes until the gun went off. I literally had to hold back tears. I did not want to be there. I talked myself into staying being as I was already soaked. I thought “just run one loop, then you can go home.”
I ran the entire race.
Mile 4 my IT band started to hurt.
Mile 4.5 I started using my running mantra.
Mile 5 I could no longer feel my feet.
Mile 6 I could no longer feel my hands.
Mile 6.5 my right arm went numb.
I began to think I’d end up here
but I didn’t.
Miles 0 through 13.1 sucked.
Finish time: 1:47:05 (8:10 pace) two minutes slower than my goal time.
Sitting here 12 hours after the start of the race, I’m still not sure if I’m happy that I ran. I am happy that it’s over.
I’m moving on and I won’t look back.
Brooklyn, here I come!
I don’t know whether your post makes me feel better that I chose to bail on the half marathon today or worse that I didn’t at least try. Despite how you may feel, I’m really impressed that you stuck through it and ran the entire 13.1 miles. That makes you totally badass in my book!
I’m so sorry the weather was so crappy for you 🙁 I’m definitely impressed that you did it though, even if you aren’t impressed with yourself…yet. I hope you took a seriously hot shower when you got home and then crawled back into bed!
I saw some of the pictures from today. It just looks horrid. I too am super, super impressed that you were able to battle through and only come in TWO!! minutes under goal. That’s pretty darn amazing. You’ll be so much stronger after that hellish episode.
I think it’s fantastic that you finished! And even though it sucked and it wasn’t fun you still finished and that’s what you should take away. I’ll see you in Brooklyn!
That looks miserable. I saw a couple of half runners on the subway this morning and they looked pretty beaten down. Good for you for going out there and running it – and a great time, especially for such a crappy day!
Oh wow, that looks like misery. I think it’s really fantastic that you stuck it out though, it speaks so much for your character. Such a trooper! 🙂
You powered through! I. AM. SO. PROUD!
Oh my goodness… you are a WARRIOR!!!! You should be so proud of yourself, seriously!!! Congrats!!
That takes resolve. I never would have done the race in the rain, so kudos to you. That’s impressive, especially considering the rain only slowed you by two minutes!
Aww, sorry about the less than stellar race day 🙁 You’re awesome for running the whole thing though! Congrats!
Sorry it wasn’t the race you were dreaming of…. sometimes rainy runs are good and sometimes they just plain suck. Live & learn…. and then move on. Just work on your speed for the next half!
You are my hero! Even though it was miserable, you did it and you did it fast! It is an amazing accomplishment. I probably would have stayed home (unless it was my first ever) but you pushed yourself and that is amazing.
Sorry you had crappy weather! That stinks but you really did awesome! And it makes it even more of an accomplishment that you pushed through weather, doubts and pain!
Way to stick it through . I think we’ve all been there and a lot of times we do quit. You doing all 13 miles really serves as inspiration. And allow you to take a day or two off!
i have to say is very admirable that despite the weather and how you were feeling, you did it 🙂 congrats and you should be super proud..
Ewwww! That weather does not look hospitable! But you made it…and you have the right attitude of moving forward from here.
Great job!
adventures in tri-ing
Yesterday was my first half! We traveled from CT..husband, kids and mother in law!
It was rough but amazing!!!! What an amazing experience. You are FAST!!!! Congrats on your amazing time.
My pace was 10:29.. lol hopefully one of these days I will get faster…for right now…I am so happy to have finished~!!
Wow, way to go! I probably would have turned around and gone back to bed if it were raining like that. What an awesome accomplishment!
I think that’s an excellent time for the conditions! I’m sorry you’re not happy with the result, but I think you did great 🙂 I did a 9 mile training run this weekend and it took me 1:42 😉 You’re quick! Promise! 🙂
Fantastic blog – you are so motivational – even when you are hating it!
Im coming to NYC on honeymoon and your blog is making me so excited.
British Bride
Thank you all for your sweet sweet comments. Reading these makes me feel like running the race was worth it after all. XO
wow good for you for doing it! what a miserable day for a half but what a great time. i know you wanted to go faster but that is a great time!
nice work getting out there and rockin it! i too have trouble getting motivated when the weather is nasty, which i am constantly getting teased for.
SIDENOTE: i get so jealous of you gals and your female only races! i want to run too.
Wow, I’m so impressed that you toughed it out and completed it – that’s awesome! Looks like it was a miserable day, but what an accomplishment! If you can survive that… 🙂
dont let this race sit as a “bad race” in your mind/history/past race log. Let it be fuel for every race from here on out.
You are such a troopa!! Way to go, girl. I think I would have cried.I have a half mary next weekend and I’m praying for good weather!
I am so sorry love that you did not enjoy yourself ayer but I am bursting with pride right now! you are so amazing!!!!!!
I love twitter! I love when I type “I need workout mojo” in 3 minutes flat, I have so many encouraging messages from fellow bloggies!
That dog looks like koko! I need to get him an orange rain coat too lol!
Congrats again honey!!!!!!
I’ll admit, that I was hoping the twitterverse would recommend that I go back to bed. Seriously.
I’m sorry that it sounds like such a rough race…but those races are what make you a tough athlete! Just think about how nice and pleasant the next half marathon will seem! 🙂
Way to go for sticking out a miserable race! That takes guts!
That sounds like a miserable time! Way to power through though you are super tough. I am running my first half in August and I’m hoping I’m safe from rain 🙂
ps love the piggy tail buns!
I am so impressed that you stuck it out, I would have totally bailed on it in that rain. That is such a big accomplishment, even if it did suck the entire time!
Congrats on the race! Very very inspiring.
Had I been running yesterday, I truly don’t know if I would have been able to handle it!
You still managed to pull out a great time in a freaking tsunami? You are amazing. It always sucks when you don’t hit your goals, but perspective is a pretty cool thing. Also, your little pigtails are adorable.
Yikes!! Way to push through it- and still with an amazing time, even if it wasn’t quite your goal. I’m glad I’m not the only one that I didn’t love my race haha. You’re a rockstar for kicking that thing’s butt 😉
I am so impressed that you ran in the rain. Sorry it wasn’t the greatest. I know that feeling very well.
Oh, thank God. I thought I was the only one who was miserable/didn’t want to run/complained about it in my blog post.
And way to kick my butt 😉 I thought I was rocking it at 2:18! You smoked me! Congrats on the finish!
Way to go! Congratulations! I wish I could run like that – maybe in future. This was my first half marathon – walked/ran 3:47 time. I was just glad to finish. My knee still hurts not swelled anymore though. It took everything I had to get through this- it was so cold. I plan to go back next year though and run the whole thing. I love your blog and will follow some of your tips for running too. Have a great day!!
Almost a year later, finally reading this post. This was my first (of now two) 1/2’s. I hid in the Time Warner Building until moments before the race, and was still soaked thru by Mile 2. My socks fell into my shoes at Mile 8 and ankles were bleeding by Mile 10. My Ipod got drench and died at Mile 10. I couldn’t find my Brother and Sister-in-Law at the finsih, had no $$$ for a cab, walked home alone… to find my boyfriend asleep in my bed, the alarm “didn’t go off” in time for him to meet me at the finish. We broke up after my hot shower.
Worst day ever? Maybe. Most memorable run ever? Absolutely.
Oh wow! And I thought I was having a bad day! Thanks for sharing your story!