Armed with a list of the running shorts you suggested I tried on no less than thirteen different styles of running shorts at six different running/athletic wear stores. Trying to find the right pair of shorts to fit my thighs proved more difficult than finding a good fitting pair of jeans. Perhaps this is the reason I prefer winter weather. At least I don’t have to worry about tights riding up.
I finally decided to purchase the Saucony Ignite Tight Short. I tried these on at two different stores and loved the waistband and the back pocket.
To my good fortune, no one had my size in stock. My feelings of disappointment about going home empty handed after all that shopping dissolved when I found the shorts in my size on Zappos for $16.00 less (price range in NYC Running stores ran from $50-$55 and I paid $36!). Score!
New Yorker’s take note: If you want to save money on workout clothes and the brand isn’t Lululemon, then shop online.
Below is the list of shorts you so graciously recommended last week. If you’re in the market for a new pair I suggest trying these out to see if they work for you.
The Best Running Shorts For Women (as recommended by you):
- Lululemon Speed Short (shorter style running shorts)
- Lululemon Reverse Groove Short (tight fitting “bike” style shorts)
- Lululemon Turbo Short (longer running skirt)
- Skirt Sports Skirts
- Brooks Infiniti Short III
- Under Armour’s Women’s Ultra 4″ Compression Short
- Asics Everysport short (these have a great waistband, but didn’t fit my thighs quite right)
- Brooks Running Skirt
- Moving Comfort Endurance Short
- Mountain Hardwear Women’s Pacer Advance Short
Liz says
The Sauconys are my favorite shorts that I own! I wear them for every race, and the back pocket is big enough to be able to carry my Blackberry on long runs. Nice choice 🙂
Jess says
So good to hear that! They were handing out gu’s at summer streets so I was able to see how they fit in the pocket. I actually forgot it was in there and washed the gu.
I think I may have found my marathon shorts!
Yum Yucky says
I don’t know what took me so long to cruise Zappos, but I love the site. And yes! I’m in the market for some fancy new shorts.
Erica Sara says
Thanks for the great list! I visited the new Athleta store on the UWS and thought of you- there were actually a few pairs of cute & running shorts I’m dying to try out and they seemed more affordable than lulu.
Jody - Fit at 53 says
I have been wearing the UH ones but those saucony ones look great & I must check out! THX!
Theodora says
These look cute! And I buy almost anything I can online to avoid the NYC markup.
Laura says
I’m obsessed with the Mizuno Meridian Shorts (the ones that are black with pink and blue edging; I looked at the other color online and I think it might be a different fit). I got them free as part of a pacing outfit for a race, and they just look INCREDIBLE. They make my butt and waist look really small and fit, and they’re super comfortable too. I usually only wear skirts for running, but these are phenomenal!
Glamamom says
What an amazing list! Now I know where to go if I ever need to change from the tempo.
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