I’m remembering why it’s been many years since I’ve trained for a marathon. There’s a lot more to it than just running until you can’t run any longer. Getting ready for a long run is an event in and of itself. Here’s what went into my 16 mile run yesterday:
The Night Before:
6:30PM: Prep pre-run breakfast
6:40PM: Attempt to make Brendan Braizer’s energy bars to take as fuel on my run. (note this was a fail)
7:00PM: Make dinner and contemplate if I’m eating enough carbs.
8:00PM: Layout everything I need so I don’t forget anything and set the timer on the coffee maker.
11:00PM: Finally fall asleep and dream I’m only able to complete 8 miles of the marathon.
5:00AM: Alarm clock goes off, I stumble out of the bed drink coffee, eat my chia pudding, lube up, put on sunscreen… the list goes on.
6:00AM: Run one mile to the park to meet running group. Making sure I arrive in time for a pre-run bathroom stop.
6:30-7:15AM: Stand around anxiously waiting for running group to get started. (We were supposed to start at 6:30)
7:15ish – 9:30ish: I huff and puff and convince myself that maybe I can keep up with Susan and Betsy for 15 miles.
10:00AM: Walk home, stretch
10:30AM: Make a juice(romaine, carrots, apple, lemon, ginger), eat a slice of bread with peanut butter.
11:00AM: Sit with my legs up the wall for 15 minutes – 20 minutes.
11:30AM: Finally shower.
12:00-8:30PM: Crave Stogo.
After a busy day with my husband and mother in law that included a late brunch at Dos Caminos and exploring Chelsea Market, exhausted I went to bed at 8:30pm. Doesn’t this make you want to train for a marathon?
FWIW, I’ve tried to make bars from the book Thrive by Brazier…..yeah… disastrous. Though the carrot ginger dressing was pretty good!
Glad it wasn’t just me. They taste great, but they are so oily that I don’t know how one could actually carry them & eat them on a run.
Is it funny that yes, this makes me want to train for a marathon? Didn’t realize you ran with Susan yesterday. I spotted her approaching 72nd st running by the water on the west side just after I finished my one miler. Were you with her?
That juice looks so good. Think I need to make one today 🙂
Nice job with the 15 miler!!!
Too funny! I was with Susan and some guy (who’s name escapes me).
Yay, Jess! Long runs are the best when followed by copious amounts of yummy food and a nap 🙂
Yay! Congrats on that run! WOW!!
Not sure why that posted as my old site? Weird…
YES! I’m so bummed I’m not doing this awesome routine this season. I love it!
Great job!
This was my saturday too! although im training for my first marathon so im still glowing from my PDR record!!!!
I applaud your efforts and appreciate your honesty in describing the frustrating, grueling and overwhelming process of training for the NYC Marathon. The NYC Marathon is legendary and just to commit to participate in it, is something to be proud of. I’m sure you will do fine, and no matter how hard it is, or the more difficult it becomes, just know you can do it! I enjoy your reading your blog very much! And like my father always says to me, when I feel overwhelmed, “How do you eat an entire elephant?….One bite at a time.” Good Luck to you and stay strong!
PS- We don’t really eat elephants! LOL
Thank you! And I’m glad to hear you don’t really eat elephants. =)
it’s so true – long runs involve so much planning! but totally worth it! thanks for the inspiration, i haven’t run much this summer.
great post! i have my own little routines and habits, but i’m SO CURIOUS about everyone else’s! and i’m glad to see that i’m not the only one who puts my legs up on the wall like that…
Wow. So much preparation goes into them-you are so right.
I did not know about this ‘legs up the wall’ thing. It makes sense, I suppose. But I’m glad you pointed it out. I learned something new and very useful!
But the reward of crossing the finish line at the end is so worth it!
You keep posting the most timely subjects for me! All of the planning and devotion is only one of the reasons I’m not training for a marathon (but I applaud you and the others that do)! Training for the half seems to take as much planning and energy (though not quite as much time) as it did 12 years ago for the marathon.
Continued thanks for the inspiration!! I’ll need it running in FL next week for a 10 day span.
Keep it up Jess!!
Thanks, Melissa! Enjoy FL!
I am so inspired by marathoners. But, no. Nope. Not gonna do it. Good for you, though! What amazing dedication.
PS. Legs up the wall is my favorite when I am feeling zapped. I do it when I travel and have to pull late nights-early mornings and it revives me! Love it!
as a fellow runner, I think your blog is uber great and useful! Just out of curiosity, what exactly does sitting with your legs up against the wall do? My legs have been feeling tired and heavy recently. Do you think that would help? thanks!
Thanks! I linked to a Runner’s World article that explains it. My husband had been doing it since he was a kid and raced bikes. He swears by it.
Mucho respect to you! I don’t see that in my future! 😉
sounds like a pretty awesome day to me!
Believe it or not, it does make me want to run one. Because it is such an incredible challenge not just physically as you’ve pointed out but mentally. I honestly don’t know if I could do it with young kids bc there’s so much you can’t plan for like middle of the night wake-up calls that really mess with the planning. I’m totally doing another one though, the question is when! Those long runs were always my favorite. I would rock them then fall apart the last 6 miles of the marathon. Something I’ll address when the time comes.
It was so fun running with you on Saturday!!
Sounds like a good day overall to me!
Wow! Very impressive. I walked from Soho to the EAst Village today! hahah