My runs have been all over the place so far this year. I feel like once I’ve conquered one mental battle another one pops up, leaving me at net zero. Almost as quickly as I hit “publish” on last week’s update, I ran into yet another mental block.
Luckily not all was lost last week. I overcame my general disdain for the ‘ole hamster wheel (err… treadmill). On Tuesday, I mentally prepped myself for six miles on the treadmill in much the same way I would for a race. I decided instead of focusing on my boredom, I’d focus on how grateful I was to have access to a treadmill when it’s 8 degrees outside. This method worked like a charm and I was really pleased with my tempo paces!
Later in the week, I wasn’t as successful when it came to my long run. I let boredom win and gave up ten miles before I was suppose to be done. TEN MILES!! I partially redeemed myself yesterday by running 12 miles, but I’m still a bit behind. I have a plan of attack for this week’s long run and I’m confident it will work. Actually, it has to work or I’m going to be in for a rude awakening this spring because I’m running two spring marathons. (eek!)
I’ve been lucky enough to have been chosen by Asics to participate in the LA Marathon Blogger Challenge (train for the LA Marathon in 12 weeks). This is a race that’s always been on my list to run so I couldn’t turn down the opportunity. Plus, it will be my first ever trip to L.A.!
Six weeks later I’m running Boston. Running this race will be a dream come true!
Training for one race in a mere 12-weeks with another race 6 weeks later is totally a new concept in my world. I’m not one of those people who runs back to back marathons. I haven’t quite figured out how I’m going to manage the two races and my training schedule, but I do know I have to get my ass in gear asap!
As a part of the Asics Blogger Challenge, I’ve gotten a little advice from Coach Kastor, husband of Olympic Medalist and American Record holder Deena Kastor. I’ll write more about what he suggested and about my goals for each race as soon as I figure out how to get my long run groove back.
Have you ever ran back to back marathons or two in one season? Like me, do you feel like long runs are what will prevent you from doing future marathons?
Sara @ LovingOnTheRun says
Awesome races you’ve got coming up! I am not running Boston this year but I will be there cheering on my husband for the 5th straight year! I love doing that 🙂 One year I will be running it – I’m determined!
I have not run back to back but my husband ran Marines Corps and Chicago two weeks apart and I think it is very doable as long as you let your body recover fully!
Lily says
I’m registered for my first full marathon in June, and look forward to reading about how training for your back-to-back marathons go! I’m kind of terrified of my first full!
Jess says
Ah! Good luck, you’ll be great!
Shut Up and Run says
Excited to meet you in LA!! Best of luck with training.
Jess says
Thank you!
Meaghan says
I’m totally with you- I really kind of hate long runs. Once in a while when you have those magical runs they are great but most of the time…drag. This is the first spring I’m training for a marathon (boston eek!) “by myself” and while right now the 10-12 milers are OK, I’m a little concerned about those longer runs. I know I can get myself out there but I’m worried I won’t be able to push myself like I can when I’m running with groups…”walk breaks” are my weakness!
Sara @ Zero to Sixty says
You will be great!!!!!!! YA Boston Marathon! I am not sure if I am taking it off to go watch it yet… but best of luck. 🙂
And seriously the treadmill is so boring….I just watch as the miles and time go by. In the morning I turn my favorite news station on which helps a little… but not much. I havent had to do a long run on one yet, but I heard some turn off after an hour…grrr that would totally kill it for me!
Jess says
Hopefully, I we won’t have to be on there for over an hour!
Laura @losingrace says
I’ve done 2 marathons 8 weeks apart…twice. It’s doable, recovery and taking care of yourself just becomes even more important. More stretching, more foam rolling, and making sure you are eating properly (refueling) are the biggest things I think. You are a strong runner and can definitely do this! I didn’t realize you were headed to Boston this year, congrats! Maybe I’ll see ya there!
Jess says
Thank you, Laura!