{If you’re new to SIDI here’s some info: At the beginning of each week on FCITC “Say it, Do it” is a chance for us to commit to our workouts for the week by saying them out loud here and keeping each other accountable.}
I realize the lyrics to this song, have nothing to do with running or steady paces, but when thinking of what to title this post. This song popped into my head.
And to answer your question, yes I’m a ridiculous human being whose thought pattern often conjures up random song lyrics. I think it’s totally normal, but my husband doesn’t agree.
When you look at this splits from two of my runs this week and see why “rock steady” popped into my head today.
Saturday: 6 mile run (splits after warm-up mile)
- Mile 2: 7:58
- Mile 3: 8:06
- Mile 4: 8:06
- Mile 5: 7:59
- Mile 6: 7:54
Sunday: 16 miles (listed below are the 12 I ran with Lora)
- 8:37
- 8:20
- 8:33
- 8:36
- 8:31
- 8:36
- 8:37
- 8:36
- 8:35
- 8:27
- 8:19
- 8:28
I feel like I’m finally settling into this training schedule and hitting my groove. Traditionally, I do run pretty even splits but I’ve struggled with this in the past year or so.
Workout Plan for the Week:
- 800m repeats
- 1 tempo run
- 1 easy medium length run
- 1 long run (18 miles)
- 2 core workouts
- 1 spin
Do you run even splits? Have you found your groove in your Spring training program?
Let me know in the comment section what workouts you’re committing to this week or if you’re doing your own SIDI it post this week leave me the link so I can check it out!
Nice job with the steady splits! It usually takes me a bit to settle and dial into my goal pace, and hopefully I can become better at this with more running experience. I’ve got some 800m repeats on the docket tomorrow, too!
I <3 the video!!
ohmygosh thank you for this video. I haven’t heard this song in forever and now it will be stuck in my head 🙂
And your fastest mile was #15! 🙂
Mon – 5 miles easy (check!) + Core/Pushups
Tues – 6 mile progression + yoga
Wed – 4 mile tempo
Thurs – Core/strength/stretching
Friday – 5-6 miles in treadmill intervals
Saturday – 7-8 miles
Sunday – chill
I LOVE THAT SONG SO MUCH! I sing it out loud easily once every two weeks. My coworkers hate me.
I’m spinning all week in anticipation of the NYC Half on Sunday! No running.
It’s a great song! It makes me happy.
Jealous of your feeling of “settling in” – I ran the furthest I have ever run before (18 last weekend), and am feeling a bit discouraged. Despite trying to make sure I was fully hydrated beforehand, I drank 4 water bottles during my run and still was super thirsty. Not sure how I am going to tackle the 20 miler I have this weekend. I hope to get to the point you are at soon. I need one of those “good run” days to give me a boost!
I’ve done intervals, but not sprints. Amazing time!
That song is getting my Monday going, lol.
Steady splits are definitely something I’m trying to work on. Yours were fantastic!
My last week of training wasn’t what I was hoping for, since my legs were crazy fatigued, but I’m excited for the NYC Half on Sunday!
Hopefully my SiDi will be more successful than last week! I need to put together a proper training schedule as at the moment my routine is just whatever takes my fancy!
Great job with the splits! I’m fairly consistent as well, if I am feeling good though I normally end up doing negative splits! I have my first race this Saturday so it’s a slow week for running and I have soccer and rugby!
I am committing to a hike on saturday after not working out for 2 weeks due to surgery. I feel like a low impact hike is a great way to get back into my fitness routine + enjoy the beautiful LA weather! Love + Shine CourtStar