Who’s would you like to high five this week?
Here’s who’s on my list:
#1) RunEMZ tonight at 8pm let’s all collectively high five Emily when she completes a 24 hour (yes 24 straight hours!) of running on a treadmill. Sounds like something a magician or Dean Karnazes would attempt, right? She’s doing this to raise money for effect.org a non-profit organization that builds schools for children in India. (do I really need to say anything more about why she get’s a high five this week?
#2) Jen, a Race Pace Runner, refused to give up Wednesday when running her first ever 20-mile training run. Jen is training for the Chicago Marathon and is also taking a huge road trip along the West Coast. Wednesday she didn’t let a little bad weather get in her way. She headed ran the first 5 miles on a treadmill waiting for the rain to pass when it didn’t they packed up and headed on their way. When the rain broke she pulled over and started her run again. She got in 5 more miles before the storm hit again. When she finally arrived at her destination for the day, she ran her final ten miles at an elevation of 4,500 feet. She’s definitely going to do well in Chicago with this amount of determination.
#3) My fabulous running buddy, Ashley (aka Running Bun) announced she has a baby bun in the oven!!! I can’t wait for baby bun to be born!
#4) Goes to Equinox. I know it’s weird to give a company a high five, BUT I’m totally loving this post they put up tonight. The thing I’ve learned the most about in the last year is that we (runners) should be moving in all three plans of motion. The plank sequence seems pretty genius to me, yet a no brainer at the same time. I look forward to adding it into my core workouts.
#5) The final high five for this week goes out to my dear friend Erica Sara, who is killing it both professionally and personally right now. Her business is booming and I won’t know what to do when she moves to PA at the end of this month. She was one of the first people I met through social media and I absolutely love this girl!
Yay for all the well deserved high fives! 🙂 That sure is a lotta’ treadmill running, eh? Whew!
Thanks friend! Baby bun told me that he/she cannot wait to meet you 🙂
How about a big high-five to this fall weather!
Yes! It arrived today in NYC. I hope it’s here to stay!
love this round up!! it’s fantastic to see women celebrating each others achievements1
Thanks, Jess!! I LOVE this idea of celebrating others and their achievements 🙂
Thanks so much for this! I love the compilation of advice from different folks, and that they all add up to a really helpful bigger picture.