One of the most challenging parts of tapering for a marathon is the feeling idleness brings. My advice is to focus on what you can do during your free time verses what you wish you had done differently during training. I created this marathon countdown to-do list so that each day you have an assignment to complete that will help you reach your marathon goals and help calm your nerves (because we all feel better when we are proactively doing something).*
*Please note this is not meant to serve as a 100% complete list of everything you need to do to prep for the New York City Marathon this week, so be sure to add in anything I’m missing.
Meri @ Run, MeriG. Run says
This is great! I will definitely take all of this advice.
Jesica @rUnladylike says
I love this! Good luck this weekend! You will rock it!
Jenna (@urbanfitopia) says
I am a list maker and this post basically just made my day.
Sara @ LovingOnTheRun says
Love this list! Good luck in the NYC marathon!! I will be cheering for you!!
Sarah says
I also have my playlist being finalized this week (shhh, I run with headphones). A nice 20 mile playlist, then an intense 6 mile playlist to get my butt into outta the bronx and into central park!
Good Luck to everyone running!!!
Jess says
Good luck to you as well! I hope you’ll post some of your playlist!
Heather @ HeatherGettingFit says
Wow, this list is amazing! I never would have thought of stuff like reviewing good training runs or watching an inspirational movie, but those are exactly the kinds of things I know would really help me. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Kim says
Great list! I have so many things going through my head about what I need to do (and by your list I’m a day behind schedule :/…). It’s so helpful to have some suggestions that aren’t about what to pack, but more to get into the mind-set.