Are you running a race soon? If yes, keep reading. If you’re not, bookmark this post and comeback to it the next time you’re tapering for a race.
Surviving the taper and handling this time period with grace is sometimes easier than doing the actual peak weeks of training. However, if you plan for the taper as well as you did for the other weeks on your training schedule, you’ll reduce your chances of a throwing a taper tantrum.
I’ll admit it, I’ve thrown one or two more taper tantrums than I’d like to admit.
What exactly is a taper tantrum? It’s when your mind and body start to freak out about everything you did during training and every little thing about race day.
Being nervous about race day is normal, but don’t let those nerves take control of your thoughts.
Here’s the number one thing I want you to do during your taper this fall:
Train your brain.
I know, you’ve been doing this all summer already. However, now is the time to really take control of those thoughts so that nothing will stop you on race day.
Here are 6 things to do during the taper to train your brain to have a positive mindset:
#1. Make a list of every hard workout you successfully completed during this training period. This list is separate from your training log. Keep it beside your bed or in your bag and refer to it every time you start to doubt your abilities.
#2. Bookmark and read race recaps from the runners that inspire you the most. Only read positive posts and start to block out any negative information.
#3. Write out a list of phrases or words that you will say to yourself during the race when things get tough (and trust me, things always get tough!).
#4. Read two of my favorite articles on being mentally strong.
#5. Meditate or lie in savasana and breathe or say one of your go-to race day mantras over and over again.
#6. Agree to let go of the outcome. Holding too tight of a grip on what may or may not happen when you cross the finish line can be paralyzing. Instead of being focused on the “what ifs,” focus on what you can do right now to reach your goal.
Staying focused on these things will help you avoid the tamper tantrums.
Perfect timing on this post as I’m headed into my tap t. Great tips to remember. #6 is the hardest for me to wrap my head around…you work so hard but anything can happen. Good or bad race day.
Have a great taper and even better race day!