Do you have a friend who you would love to run with, but think you wouldn’t be able to keep up with?
Even though your friend says they don’t mind slowing down to run with you, do you turn down their offer because you don’t want to slow them down?
First of all, I’m here to tell you your friend does not care that you have different paces.
I’m not afraid to admit I’ve been intimidated to run with people who are faster than I me. I didn’t want to hold them back or ruin their workout. However, since they know I’m slower than them and invited me to run with them, it’s obvious they could care less about the differences in our paces!
Finding a friend to run with who runs your exact pace for workouts can be difficult. Just because you aren’t the same speed as your other friends run doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the benefits of running with a training partner.
In fact, your running buddies don’t actually have to run your pace in order for you to work out with them! So long as you’re a little strategic, you can both get in a great workout and no one has to worry about being left behind.
Below are three different training workouts you can do with your running BFF no matter how different your paces are.
1. Track Workouts
The great thing about meeting your running BFF at the track is you don’t even have to do the same workout to get the benefit of having a training partner. Pick a time to meet and discuss what workout you’re each going to do. Once at the track, you can run the warm-up and complete your drills together. Then once it’s time for the workout to begin, you’ll each work on your own, but be encouraged by the fact that you’re both working hard at the same time. At the end of the workout you’ll be less likely to skip the cool-down because you’ll want to spend more time catching up with your friend.
2. Hill Repeats
Meet your friend one mile away from one of your favorite hills. Jog to the bottom of the hill together as a warm-up. Decide how many hill repeats you’re doing for the workout, then get to work. You’ll each run up the hill at your own pace, and you’ll be able to get a high-five from your training partner each time you pass each other going in opposite directions.
3. Out And Back Intervals
Getting to a track for speed workouts isn’t always easy. If you can’t meet your running BFF at the track for a speed session, don’t worry. You can meet nearly anywhere to do out and back intervals. For this session it works best if the two of you are doing the same workout. After determining the length of the interval and where on the road or trail the interval will end, the slower runner starts their interval a few seconds before the faster runner. Then you both meet-up where the interval ends to recover before starting the next one.
What are your favorite workouts to do with your running buddy?
Nicole Haber says
love this. and very helpful ideas!!
Nicole Haber recently posted…All the workouts: March 13-19