Race Pace Training Diaries follows Jess D, a Race Pace Runner, training with the goal of becoming a faster runner and setting a new Personal Records in everything from the marathon to the 5k. Learn more about Jess here.
While journaling in my Believe Training Journal, I came to an interesting portion where you’re asked to break down the steps you plan to take to achieve each of your annual goals (read my original post about my 2015 goals here). This started wheels turning in my head…while I had a general idea of how to works towards my goals, I couldn’t pinpoint the steps to get me there. With Jess’s guidance, below you’ll see how we plan to check these items off the list!
1- Set a new best/faster pace with the NYRR to get into a faster paced corral for NYRR races:
If you aren’t familiar with New York Road Runner (NYRR) races, runners are assigned to a start corral for each local race based of their fastest time in a NYRR race of three miles or longer.
- Learn how to race and pace properly for shorter distances
- Get comfortable with being uncomfortable
- More speed & interval workouts geared towards short distances
- Start incorporating plyometerics into strength workouts
2- Run two, sub-two hour half marathons:
- Build a strong base in early 2015
- Follow a 10 week training program from Jess
- Race shorter distances to improve speed and to become better at racing
- Incorporate more long runs during training than in the past when training for half marathons
3- Get back to my old base weight:
- Assess any possible health conditions that could be causing weight fluctuation- currently testing for food allergies & thyroid
- Readjust diet after receiving test results
4- Run a 4:00-4:07 marathon:
- Follow a 18 week training program from Jess
- Increase weekly mileage
- Begin testing fueling options on weekend long runs
- Increase mental toughness; if all doesn’t go as planned on marathon day I need to be prepared to get comfortable being uncomfortable and fight harder for my goal time
I’ll keep you posted as I check these goals off my list. And feel free to keep me accountable too!
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