I have a question for you.
Okay, actually a few questions.
When you wrote out your original run goal for the fall of 2016, was it realistic?
Did you truly believe that you have the power to grind it out every day during training in order to achieve your goal?
If the answer is yes, are you questioning that goal right now for any reason?
Progress does not happen on a linear curve. It happens over time and at its own pace. The only thing to do is keep moving forward and keep giving your all.
If you are feeling frustrated or aren’t seeing results the results you want, ask yourself these questions:
1. When I set this goal, was it realistic?
2. Have I been giving this training block everything within my capabilities?
3. Has any life event or injury derailed my training for more than a week or two at a time?
If you answered yes to the first two questions, then let’s agree to dig in deep, stay steadfast and trust yourself, your training plan and your abilities.
Do not give up on your goals for this fall.
Continue to do the work and trudge forward knowing you gave it your all even if it doesn’t go according to plan.
If you happened to have answered yes to question number three, then try not to be afraid of being honest with yourself about your goal and your situation. It’s okay to change your goal or save your goal for another training season when life isn’t getting in the way as much.
Loved this post. I have 3 weeks until my 2nd marathon and I really don’t know what to set as my time goal. I set 3 goals for my first marathon… and achieved the 3rd goal of finishing in one piece! Haha. All time goals went out the window, but I have a feeling that may have also been because it was my first marathon and a hot day!
Thank you for this encouragement to not give up on my goals! It’s easy to forget the progress you are making during such a long training cycle.
I’m always reconsidering my running goals. As a go big or go home type of person, I’m finding that I’m frequently going overboard with my goals and training. It got to the point where I needed to take a step back and completely overhaul my approach to my running goals. It was a great experience and I even ended up writing a book about it! The biggest thing I learned was that continual self-awareness was key. Even though planning ahead was crucial, I also needed to have enough awareness and flexibility to know when things needed to change.