My goals for the LA Marathon are simple (but not necessarily easy):
- Finish the race. This will be a huge accomplishment in and of itself. I’m running this 26.2 as a training run for Boston and on fewer training miles than any of my previous six marathons. Number 7, will definitely be one for the books. (and yes, I’m nervous and bit stressed!)
- Have fun, stay positive. Sometimes when running a marathon it’s easy to get caught up in feeling miserable (especially when undertrained). I refuse to give into any thoughts of misery. Running is fun and it’s a gift that’s not to be taken for granted.
- Soak up the sun (restore my vitamin D levels to normal). Escaping the winter tundra will be worth working hard for 26.2 miles, right?
- Avoid injury, stay upright. My dad’s advice, “Try not to fall down this time.” Okay, Dad, I’ll try my best!
You can send encouraging words or messages to me on the course via Asics’ Support Your Marathoner website. Click here to virtually cheer me on (I’ll greatly appreciate it! I’m going to need it!).
GOOD LUCK!! I will be cheering you on! Love you goals – simple and to the point. Run fast and enjoy!
Good Luck.. but I know that you got this! Kick some butt out there!
Thank you!
My longest run recently was nine miles on Saturday and I would go run the LA Marathon simply for the Vitamin D! GOOD LUCK! Have fun! 🙂
I’m not far behind you when it comes to long run mileage. Sunshine is the number 1 reason, I didn’t back out!
Cheering for you. I ran it many years ago (too embarrassing to mention) – and had a blast. Great people along the way. Lots of support on the sidelines (and online) as well. Best of luck.
Thank you! I can’t wait to experience it all!
Good luck and have fun Jess!!! Can’t wait to cheer you on!
Thank you!
Have fun! I ran my very first marathon Sunday as a training run for a goal marathon in 2 months & it was fun! Not having the pressure to hit a certain time goal made it a great experience & while I am nowhere near as fast as you, I hope you gave a fun time running your race too.
How was it? Hearing this makes me feel a bit more confident about Sunday. Thank you for sharing!
LOL at your father’s comment! Good luck and HAVE FUN! I love the idea of having 4 non-time goals for this race – I have typically done something similar with all of my Disney races (because who “races” in the happiest place on earth?!?) Enjoy yourself!
Thank you! I’ve actually only had time goals for two marathons and 1 half marathon. I know a lot of people would find that strange, but it’s much more enjoyable for me this way!
Good luck, you’ve got this! Before every track meet in high school we had a saying “run fast, look pretty but whatever you do don’t fall flat on your face”… I think about it before every race and it makes me smile 😉
Definitely shoes! Love the nimbus. Good luck and have fun!
Great goals!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy the vitamin D and the run!!!!
Good Luck Jess! Have a great time and bring the sunshine back with you! 🙂
Woah! I can’t believe you’re running a marathon 1.5 months before Boston! That’s impressive! I’ve been training with an injury and have verrryyy low mileage going into Boston next month, so I’m very curious to see what happens! I’d love to meet up at Boston. I don’t really know anyone going! Send me an email sometime & HAVE FUN THIS WEEKEND!
I’ve been doing really low mileage also, but feel that this weekend really helped give me the jolt I needed. I took it super easy in LA and hope to recover quickly and train hard for a few weeks before Boston.